What we do

Happy Business People

AORA is the leading authority on automating legislative evaluation and generation of draft opinions in law and tax. Our groundbreaking software harnesses the virtues, without the downsides, of a range of AI resources, transforming access to authoritative expertise in strictly regulated, exacting fields.

Our strategic system is unrivalled at producing fully explainable and polished answers to complex questions of eligibility. These questions will be specific to an individual client's circumstances: the advice required is therefore unique. AORA performs exceptionally at automatically determining matters such as:

  • Where are my client and their company domiciled or resident for tax purposes?
  • Does my client’s corporate group structure meet HMRC’s tests as a close company? If not, why not?
  • Does my client’s company qualify for EIS, SEIS or KIC relief? If not, why not?
  • Does my client qualify for UK citizenship under any of the 40 provisions?
  • Does a particular role, salary and skill set qualify for a Skilled Worker visa? If not, precisely what adjustments do I need to make in order to comply?
  • Does my client’s corporate group structure qualify as a REIT? If not, why not?
  • Does this structure have any capital allowances available?
  • Does this structure qualify for R&D tax credits?

AORA leaves no stone unturned in its evaluations, being conversant with all applicable legislation, including the very latest legal subtleties. Reports are presented in a documentation pack using natural, polished prose as if written by a human expert. It includes letters of representation, clearance letters, internal documents and checklists.

The commercial implications are significant. AORA delivers outstanding accuracy and reliability, eliminating the potential for human bias or error. It drastically reduces the expert hours devoted to mundane and laborious tasks. By quickly upskilling and empowering more junior staff, AORA liberates valuable time for client-facing consultation and other soft services. This helps attract and retain the best talent and encourages team cohesion. In short, a more proficient, streamlined firm means happier clients and more clients.

By bringing radical improvements to cost, efficiency, quality and morale, AORA positively transforms how law and tax firms operate. Arrange a consultation today to find out how YOUR practice can benefit.

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