
Man with Laptop

AORA’s proprietary software delivers evaluations of eligibility issues in specific fields of UK law and tax. Each of our specialised applications addresses a potential qualification for a particular claim, concession, special status or treatment.

Traditional approaches to examining and resolving such dilemmas involve many hours of painstaking analysis, backed by continual checking of applicable legislation and precedent. Regulations are invariably dense, copious, obscure and rapidly changing. Aside from the obvious cost implications of endless hours of expert resources, on tasks that are often dull and repetitive, there is also the worrying potential for oversight or error.

Not with AORA. Our reports are unrivalled in their accuracy, rigour and pertinence. They are supported by comprehensive references, detailed tables and clear, concise graphics. Most importantly, they precisely cite the full legislation, guidance and case law on which their recommendations are based. Everything is presented in clear, natural prose, in a format and style acceptable to the relevant authority, and ready for review by a competent practitioner.

The resultant benefits for practices are profound:

  • Productivity: Repetitive, routine exercises are significantly accelerated, allowing more cases to be handled.
  • Efficiency: Casework is safely delegated, freeing up senior staff for higher-value strategic work and client consultation. Duplicated and superfluous work for appeals is minimised.
  • Accuracy: Errors, inconsistencies and ambiguities are eliminated, ensuring the confident provision of focused, expert advice.
  • Authority: AORA gives complete peace of mind, as its determinations are based on an exhaustive survey of the entirety of applicable governance, right up to date.
  • Explainability: Results are supported by a wealth of categorical context and substantiating references. Detailed system logs make case review easy and provide accountability for audit.
  • Documentation: AORA produces ready-made client letters, application forms and helpful internal checklists. Online submissions are automatically prepopulated and personalised.
  • Collaboration: Smooth integration with colleague contributions enables insightful knowledge sharing, effective delegation, and continuity in personnel changes.
  • Development: Prolific onboarding and training qualities advance career progression. Capture and reinvestment of data inform business growth.
  • Security: Client data, confidentiality and privacy are respected and protected throughout.
  • Usability: AORA’s off-the-shelf versatility and functionality provides, with no implementation, an improved working experience for staff at all levels.

Get in touch today for a demonstration of how AORA can enhance the performance and profitability of YOUR practice.

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