We were delighted to have been selected through a rigorous process to take part in LawtechUK’s Lawtech Sandbox 3.0 towards the end of last year. We are in a cohort of 31 lawtech pioneers.

As part of the Sandbox, we undertook a mentoring programme with Graham Edwards of PwC who provided many useful industry insights, including helping us in:

  • developing a positioning marking strategy for our technology
  • understanding the sales and then the onboarding/procurement processes of the big 4 (and large law firms). 

About the Lawtech Sandbox

The Lawtech Sandbox supports UK founders and legal businesses developing new products and services to transform the legal sector, for the benefit of business and society. The programme provides lawtech pioneers with the support they need to
overcome challenges or regulatory blockers halting their growth and development.

To date, the Lawtech Sandbox has directly supported the development of 13 UK lawtech businesses across 2 cohorts. In a testament to the programme’s impact, past participants successfully accelerated their development timelines by as much as
18 months and increased headcount 6-fold.

Now in its third generation, the Lawtech Sandbox consists of two new programmes: Expert Mentoring and Regulatory Pathfinding. The Mentoring Programme, delivered in collaboration with Barclays Eagle Labs, offers dedicated and practical 1-to-1 support with carefully matched mentors from the Sandbox Network. The Regulatory Pathfinding Programme helps pioneers navigate the regulatory landscape, as well as provide prompt answers to any regulatory challenges facing their business through the Regulatory Response Unit.

LawtechUK is delighted to announce 31 lawtech pioneers joining the Lawtech Sandbox’s latest cohort, with 51.7% based outside of London – including companies from Scotland, the North West, the East of England, Northern Ireland and Wales.

About LawtechUK:

LawtechUK is a government-backed initiative within Tech Nation, established to support the transformation of the UK legal sector through technology, for the benefit of society and the economy.

They focus on increasing awareness and understanding of lawtech and fostering transformative innovation for the legal sector. The LawtechUK work programme includes a government-backed Lawtech Sandbox for innovative R&D, and the development of new platforms, toolkits and online training.